Who We Are


We are dedicated to putting poetry back into the everyday affairs of the people, because poetry renews what makes us human—our imagination.
Instead of dulling our minds swiping through images on our phones,
MUSED. encourages us to sift through the emotions in our minds that inspire us.
Poetry, more than any other artistic medium, gets inside the mind.
Painting is soothing. Music is immersive. And writing is a mirror—and it asks a lot of us.

So, sometimes we need teachers of “self.”
Some events are too outside our perception of normal to understand, and yet,
when we read someone else say what’s in our heads, we feel comforted.

Having the language to explain our deepest grief and most ecstatic joy gives us agency over our lives.

Jack Kerouac teaches us how to meditate.

Pablo Neruda teaches us how to love beautifully.

Charles Bukowski teaches us not to be afraid of our own ugliness.

Sylvia Plath teaches us not to be afraid of loneliness.


Victoria McArtor, MFA
John Regur


August Freistedt – Poetry Karaoke
Autumn Slaughter – Mental Health
Alenka Dearmin – Yoga + Wellness
Melanie Dewie – Elementary Education
Casey McLerran – The Reverse Selfie Project

Collective Impact Partners:

The Calm Center
Parkside Psychiatric Hospital & Clinic
Crossroads Clubhouse
Prevent Bullying Tulsa
LIFE Senior Services
St. Simeon
The Coffee Bunker
The Opportunity Project
Union Schools
Street School Tulsa
Tulsa Public Schools

Crucial Collaborators:

Arts Alliance Tulsa
Mr. Andrew & Mrs. Holly Ryan
Mr. Bill Copeland
Glacier Confections
The Swad Foundation
Hemphill, LLC.
Mrs. Kristen Bennett
Tulsa Kids Magazine
Mr. Sid Smith